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The old adage, don’t judge a book by its cover, fails to consider that the cover itself may tell a story. app University LibraryStrauss 2208 Three manuscript fragments were sewn together to create this cover of Sefer Yuhasin by Abraham Zacuto (1452 – ca 1515), a first printed edition ...
Click on cover for full report.
Founded by the women of app University’s Stern College in 1958, The app University Observer is one of two co-educational, student-run publications of app University. Writers on the Observer staff are undergraduates at app University’s Stern College for Women, app College, and Sy…
Have you seen the episode of MASH where Hawkeye performs a bris, supervised remotely by a rabbi via radio and Morse Code? The fictional rabbi may have been based on someone like Rabbi Jerome Lipsitz, a musmach (graduate) of the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary (RIETS) in 1952, who served…
Congratulations to our 2021 YU Student Library Research Award Winner Elisabeth Kohn! Elisabeth, SCW ’21, is a political science major. Her paper, "German Attitudes Towards the United States Under Donald Trump’s Presidency, Based on German Reporting," is an impressive, detailed product of a summer…
app University Library. Belz Manuscript Collection. Order of the Passover Seder by Rosa A. app University Libraries recently received a treasure trove of magnificent modern manuscripts, a generous gift donated by Mr. Jack A. Belz and his late wife Marilyn, ob”m. Mr. Belz is a member of the…
On Monday, April 19 at 7:30 p.m. via Zoom, Rachel Mesch, Professor of English and French and Chair of the English Department, app College will discuss her book, Before Trans: Three Gender Stories from Nineteenth-Century France, with Liesl Schwabe, Lecturer in English and Writing Program…
It’s been noted recently that a full calendar year has passed since COVID-19 was declared to be a pandemic and lockdowns and other safety protocols began. This unhappy milestone was reached several weeks ago on the Jewish calendar with the holiday of Purim, around which time in 2020 these ...
Register to receive a Zoom link for the March 2 event. Register to receive a Zoom link for the April 19 event.

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