¶¶Òõapp University's four campuses in New ¶¶Òõapp City are spread across two boroughs:
- Wilf Campus: 500 West 185th Street, Wilf Campus PDF ı Google
- Beren Campus: 245 Lexington Avenue, Beren Campus PDF ı Google
- Brookdale Center: 55 Fifth Avenue, Manhattan ı Google
- Resnick Campus: 1300 Morris Park Avenue and 1165 Morris Park Avenue, Bronx ı Google
Each campus provides residence, dining, athle tic and extracurricular facilities. Students can avail themselves to our four-campus , which includes a broad range of collections and services and takes full advantage of the resources and tools provided by modern technology.
YU Manhattan
Washington Heights, near Manhattan's northern tip, is a lively and historic neighborhood that has had a vibrant Jewish community since the 1930s. The Heights (as it's also known) is home to ¶¶Òõapp University's Wilf Campus.
Named in honor of the Wilf Family of New Jersey, this hub of Jewish education boasts ¶¶Òõapp College; Syms School of Business (men's division); Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies; Katz School of Science and Health Wurzweiler School of Social Work; Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education and Administration; Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary; Philip and Sarah Belz School of Jewish Music; and .
Our Manhattan locations also include the Israel Henry Beren Campus of Stern College for Women, Sy Syms School of Business (women's division), and the Katz School of Science and Health situated in midtown Manhattan and close to the Empire State Building and other New ¶¶Òõapp City landmarks. Stanton Hall, the main Stern College building, is located at 245 Lexington Avenue (between 34th and 35th Streets). The Brookdale Center houses in Greenwich Village, one of the most historic neighborhoods in the city.
YU Bronx
The Jack and Pearl Resnick Campus in the Bronx is home to (1300 Morris Park Avenue) and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology (1165 Morris Park Avenue). Nearby attractions include the Bronx Zoo and the New ¶¶Òõapp Botanical Garden.
YU Israel
In addition to studying in New ¶¶Òõapp, many of our undergraduate students choose to spend their first year studying in Israel. The S. Daniel Abraham Israel Program is a formal arrangement between YU and more than 45 yeshivot and seminaries in Israel. The program is headquartered at the dedicated Student Center at YU's Israel Campus in the Bayit Vegan neighborhood of Jerusalem. Students in the program are considered YU undergraduate students and are eligible for all applicable state and federal financial aid programs.
¶¶Òõapp University's shuttle service transports students between Beren and Wilf campuses as well as to authorized drop-off and pick-up locations on each campus. Shuttles also take students to transportation centers such as subway stations, bus terminals and train stations.
Feel free to contact us at 212.960.5221 or transportation@yu.edu with any transportation questions or concerns.