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Safety & Security

Visitor Management System 

To gain access to a University facility, all visitors (i.e., persons who are not currently enrolled students, app or staff with valid app University ID Cards) must have pre-approval and be registered into the YU Visitor Management System. 

Only visitors with a legitimate purpose for visiting the University will be permitted to enter University buildings, and in general they must have a app or staff member as their host. Students may also host visitors under certain circumstances. Please review  the Visitor Policy guidelines on the app University website for further information. 

COVID - 19 vaccination mandate for app, staff, students and visitors will no longer be a requirement effective Friday, May 12, 2023.

Visitors who receive an ID Card must comply with the visitor guidelines established by the University  (listed below) to gain access into a YU facility..

  • Extended Stay Visitor – The app or staff host is required to certify the visitor(s) has (have) acknowledged the visitation policy and submit the request to Security before the visitor will be granted a Temporary ID Card.
  • Alumni and Alumni Spouses / Student SpousesAlumni Affairs is required to certify the visitor(s)has (have) acknowledged the visitation policy and submit the request to Security before the visitor will be granted a YU Alumni ID Card, YU Alumni Spouse ID Card or YU Student Spouse ID Card, as applicable.
  • Minyan VisitorRabbi Penner or Rabbi Kalinsky is required to certify the visitor(s) has (have) acknowledged the visitation policy and submit the request to certify to Security before the visitor will be granted a Minyan ID Card.

Visitors who come to campus for more than 5 days during any semester need to apply for an Extended Stay Temporary ID Card. The app or staff host is responsible to ensure compliance of the visitation policy..

Unless otherwise instructed by Security, to receive a one day pass the app or staff host must notify the Security Department, at least 24 hours in advance, at with the following visitor information:

  • Full Name of Visitor
  • Date of Visit
  • Time of Visit
  • Campus & Building Location of Visit
  • Host & Escort Name

Visitors must go to one of the following locations to be issued a visitor pass by Security: Visitors must go to one of the following locations to be issued a visitor pass by Security:

Wilf Campus

  • Strenger Hall Security Office, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue
  • Belfer Hall Security Desk, 2495 Amsterdam Avenue

Beren Campus

  • Stanton Hall Security Desk, 245 Lexington Avenue
  • Sy Syms School of Business Security Desk, 215 Lexington Avenue
  • Brookdale Residence Hall Security Office, 50 East 34th Street

Cardozo Law

  • Security Desk, 55 5th Avenue

Ferkauf / Katz School of Science / Wurzweiler School of Social Work  (Bronx Campuses)

Due to clinical placements all in-person programs / classes the vaccination requirement of being fully vaccinated and have at least one (1) booster will remain in effect.

  • Rousso Building Security Desk, 1165 Morris Park Avenue
  • Van Etten - 5th floor of 1225 Morris Park Avenue

In general, approved visitors are required to present a valid government-issued photo ID before a visitor pass is issued at the security desk. 

The app or staff host should meet their visitor at the Security desk to escort them.

Student Housing 

  • Visitors who stay overnight in an undergraduate Residence Hall must comply with all Student Housing guidelines of the University.

The University reserves the right to further restrict access to our campuses for visitors, as well as students, app and staff, without advance notice.


Including children, who also must receive a pass. See Children in the Workplace Policy.

 * Ferkauf /Katz / Wurzweiler Campuses may impose additional requirements.  

Additional Visitor Policy can be found below.

Visitor Policies

app University is committed to maintaining a safe and academically-focused environment for its students, app, staff and visitors.  Access to the University’s facilities is limited to its currently-enrolled students, app, and staff with valid app University ID Cards and to approved visitors. Access to classrooms is further restricted to students enrolled in such class, and app, staff and approved visitors with a legitimate academic purpose. 

This policy sets forth the procedures for all persons who are not currently-enrolled students, app, or staff with valid app University ID Cards (“visitors”) to receive approval and gain access to the University’s facilities.  All passes and ID Cards are issued in the discretion of the University, and may be revoked at any time and for any (or no) reason.

In no event should the conduct of a visitor interfere with or otherwise disrupt the educational process or learning environment of the University.  All visitors are expected to abide by all University policies and procedures (including safety and access restrictions) and immediately comply with all instructions of University personnel. The University reserves the right to remove or restrict any visitor at any time and for any (or no) reason as it may deem necessary or desirable.

Please contact Security for the applicable campus (Wilf Campus Security at (212) 960-5200 and Beren Campus Security at (212) 340-7796) if you believe someone has received unauthorized access to a University facility.

For additional information on the app University Visitor Management System and for guidance when visiting our campuses, please click on the Visitor Policy icon arrow below. 

Effective March 15, 2020

Visitors, 16 years or older, who are expected to be on campus for an extended period of time (more than 5 days during any semester) may apply for a Temporary ID Card not to exceed one semester. Such visitors include those who teach classes but are not on staff, visiting Roshei app or Rebbeim, vendors, contractors, or those that have other long-term legitimate business on campus.

In order to apply for a Temporary ID Card, the Extended Stay Visitor will need a University app or staff member as his/her sponsor (and host) and will need to submit an application form to the Main Security Office located in Strenger Hall, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue, on the Wilf campus, together with his/her valid government-issued photo ID.  The application form should indicate the reason needed for the Temporary ID Card, identify the University sponsor/host, and specify the access (including hours and dates) needed.  

All Temporary ID Cards must be approved by the appropriate University administrator and then by the University Director of Security.  

Temporary ID Card Application

Effective March 15, 2020

The University has introduced new YU Alumni ID Cards for all YU alumni. These new YU Alumni ID Cards are intended to improve safety and security on campus and grant the alumni with access to the following:

  • The Glueck Beit Midrash located in the Glueck Center for Jewish Study
  • The Shenk Shul located in Schottenstein
  • app University Libraries located on the Wilf and Beren campuses
  • The Local Campus Shuttles 

The new YU Alumni ID cards will be scanned into the YU Visitor Management System as an alumnus enters any of the above-listed buildings and will eliminate the need to get a daily visitor pass for these locations/purposes.  Access for any other locations/purposes will require a daily visitor pass.

In addition, the University is offering YU Alumni Spouse ID Cards for all spouses of alumni and is  offering YU Student Spouse ID Cards to all spouses of current YU students for access to the above-listed buildings. Access for any other locations/purposes will require a daily visitor pass.

Applications for the new YU Alumni ID Card, YU Alumni Spouse ID Card, and YU Student Spouse ID Cards can be downloaded from the link below but will need to be submitted in person, by the applicant, to the Main Security Office located in Strenger Hall, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue, on the Wilf campus. New Alumni and Alumni Spouse ID Cards will be issued, while you wait, Monday thru Friday from 8 am till 4 pm and Wednesday from 8 am till 10 pm.  Applicants must present a valid government-issued photo ID and, in the case of a YU Alumni Spouse ID Card or YU Student Spouse ID Card, the marriage license. 

The University offers YU Student Spouse ID Cards for all spouses of current YU students. These new YU Student Spouse ID Cards are intended to improve safety and security on campus and grant the spouse with access to the following:

  • The Glueck Beit Midrash located in the Glueck Center for Jewish Study
  • The Fischel Beit Midrash located in Zysman Hall
  • The Shenk Shul located in Schottenstein
  • app University Libraries located on the Wilf and Beren campuses
  • The Dining Halls located on the Wilf and Beren campuses
  • The Local Campus Shuttles 

Access for any other locations/purposes will require a daily visitor pass.

Applications for the YU Student Spouse ID Cards will need to be submitted to the Central Security Office located in Strenger Hall, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue, on the Wilf campus.  Applicants must also present valid government-issued photo ID and the marriage license.  

New Alumni Spouse and Student Spouse ID Card Application

Effective March 15, 2020

Persons, 16 years or older, who regularly attend Minyan on campus may apply for a Minyan ID Card.  In order to apply for a Minyan ID Card, the Minyan Visitor will need to submit an application form to the Central Security Office located in Strenger Hall, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue, on the Wilf campus, together with their valid government-issued photo ID.  In addition, the Minyan Visitor will need to be approved by Rabbi Menachem Penner, Rabbi Yosef Kalinsky, or Rabbi Kaminetzky and the University Chief of Security.

Access to Minyan Visitors will be limited to the Shenk Shul in the Schottenstein Center. 

All other Minyanim are reserved for currently-enrolled students, app and staff and their approved visitors.

Minyan ID Card Application

Access to the Mendel Gottesman Library building on the Wilf Campus and to the Hedi Steinberg Library on the Beren Campus is available to the following persons with appropriate ID:

  • Currently-enrolled students, app, and staff with valid app University ID Cards.
  • YU Alumni, Spouses of YU Alumni and Spouses of current YU Students with valid YU Alumni ID Card, YU Alumni Spouse ID Card or YU Student Spouse ID Card (as applicable). 
  • Researchers and visiting scholars with a demonstrated need for Special Collection and Archives who have received a confirmed appointment – appointments should be requested by sending an e-mail message to
  • Approved Metro Referral System participants – Metro Referral System participants have one-time, on-site use of specific books or subject areas, and should consult with a librarian at their home institution who will complete the online METRO Referral form for approval.
  • Students and academic staff at NYATLA (New app Area Theological Library Association) member institutions.
  • Students and academic staff at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

Access to the libraries after 9:00 PM on Sunday through Thursday and on Saturday night is restricted to currently-enrolled students, app, and staff with valid app University ID Cards and to YU Alumni, Spouses of YU Alumni and Spouses of current YU Student Spouses with valid YU Alumni ID Cards, YU Alumni Spouse ID Cards or YU Student Spouse ID Cards (as applicable).

Please note: app University students and app will be given priority access to collections and services.  Others may be required to relinquish use of materials or facilities.

Access for app University High School students is governed by special arrangement.

Effective March 15, 2020

Charity Collection Visitors also will require a daily visitor pass. Charity collection is restricted to Strenger Hall, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue on the Wilf campus, conference room 103, every Wednesday afternoon during posted hours during the Spring and Fall semester. 

Charity Collection Visitors are not authorized to access any Beit Midrash and are not authorized to interact with persons on campus except for the charity collection at the location/times specified above.  Violators of this policy will be asked to immediately leave the campus and may be restricted future access. 

Effective March 15, 2020

All events must be planned, scheduled and approved through the Events Office.

Security protocol for visitors at special events will be established on a case-by-case basis by the Security Department in consultation with the Events Office, and may include use of metal detectors, ticketing, bag checks, access lists, checking of government ID’s and other security measures.

Events may be staffed with additional security personnel to ensure that the visitors are confined to the designated locations for the event.

The Events Office should notify the Security Department as far in advance as practicable as to the numbers of expected visitors and if there are any visitors requiring a special arrangement. 

Effective March 15, 2020

This Visitor Policy remains in effect during the Shabbat and Holidays.  

All holders of valid app University ID Cards wishing entry to the campus buildings and synagogues during the Shabbat and Holidays will be required to present their ID Cards to the Security Officer.

All visitors will be required to present their valid government-issued photo IDs, Minyan IDs or Alumni/Alumni Spouse/Student Spouse IDs to the Security Officer. 

Please see Rabbi Hershel Schachter’s ruling regarding the carrying of IDs on the Shabbat within an Eruv.

Shabbat ID Policy Ruling

Visitor Policy for Undergraduate Student Housing 
(effective December 12, 2024)

The university recognizes that having non-YU friends visit you on campus and spend time with you in your residence hall may be an important part of your college experience. As such, undergraduate students are permitted to host visitors in their university residence halls on the following terms and conditions. For the safety of the university community, all visitors must have a visitor pass issued by security.

Visitors are expected to abide by this policy and all other university policies and procedures (including safety and access restrictions), and to immediately comply with all instructions of university personnel. The student host will be responsible for their visitor, and must explain university policies and procedures, including Residence Life rules, to their visitor. The student host will be responsible for their visitor’s behavior and any non-compliance with university policies and harm or damage caused by their visitor. The university will not be responsible for the visitor, and will not be liable for any loss, damage, or theft of a visitor’s belongings or otherwise. The university reserves the right to remove or restrict any visitor at any time as it may deem necessary or desirable.

Students are not permitted to receive any form of payment, service, barter, or compensation from or on behalf of a visitor in exchange for hosting them. Such arrangements are considered a violation of their housing agreement with the University and may result in discipline, including dismissal from housing.

Any visitor who is coughing or shows other signs of illness may be asked to immediately leave campus. This is true whether or not they test positive for COVID or another disease. YU is not able to provide any quarantine or isolation rooms for ill visitors.

The university reserves the right to modify this policy at any time without notice.

General Visitor Policies:

  • All visitors must be between the ages of 16 – 25 and otherwise deemed suitable (e.g. only male visitors in the Wilf residence halls, and female visitors in the Beren residence halls). If you would like to host a visitor who does not meet these age requirements, please email or at least 72 hours in advance to request an exception.
  • Visitors must be accompanied at all times by their student host.
  • Visitors, accompanied by their student host, will be permitted to access: 
    • the host’s residence hall and (subject to permission of the host’s roommates which the host must obtain) room/apartment,
    • the campus’ dining hall,
    • the campus’ batei midrash, and   
    • the campus’ minyanim
  • Visitors will not be permitted to access any other campus spaces, including libraries, athletic or recreational facilities, and classrooms. Visitors will not be permitted to attend campus events (unless otherwise open to the public). Visitors will not be permitted to use the campus shuttles.
  • Please note that currently only non-cash forms of payment are accepted by the dining halls. Students may not use their Caf Cards to purchase food for visitors. 

Daytime Visitors

  • Students may be permitted to host not more than 2 persons per day between the hours of 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.
  • Student hosts should email in advance with visitor’s name, arrival time and departure time, but this can be done on short notice if absolutely necessary.
  • On the day of the visit, the visitor, accompanied by their student host, must first go to one of the following locations to be issued a one-day, limited daytime access visitor pass by Security:
    • Wilf Campus: 
      • Strenger Hall Security Office, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue
      • Belfer Hall, 2495 Amsterdam Ave
    • Beren Campus: 
      • Brookdale Residence Hall Security Office, 50 East 34th Street
      • Sy Syms School of Business Building, 215 Lexington Ave
      • Stern College for Women building, 245 Lexington Ave
  • The student host must present their YU ID to security.
  • The visitor must present a valid government-issued photo ID to security.

Overnight and Shabbat Visitors

  • Students may not host more than 1 overnight visitor per night / 1 Shabbat visitor per Shabbat. The overnight visitor may not stay more than 3 consecutive nights or 5 nights in a month. 
  • The student host must receive prior approval of their roommates for the visitor.
  • For Residence Life to approve a guest visit, the student host must provide the following information to their Resident Advisor (RA). The RA will fill out a Guest Approval form, including the following details:
    • Full name, cell phone number, and banner ID of student host
    • Residence hall/room of student host
    • Full name, address and cell phone number of visitor
    • Date and time of visit
    • Approval from Res Life at end of the form to allow the guest

Residence Life has the discretion to reject a visitor for any (or no) reason. Once the Guest Approval form is completed by an RA, the host and guest will receive a confirmation email from Residence Life with the above information notifying the student host and the Security Department. 

  • On the day of the visit, the guest, accompanied by their student host, must go to one of the following locations to be issued a 1-3 day, limited overnight access visitor pass by security: 
    • Wilf Campus: 
      • Strenger Hall Security Office, 2521 Amsterdam Avenue
    • Beren Campus: 
      • Brookdale Residence Hall Security Office, 50 East 34th Street
  • The student host must present their YU ID to security.
  • The visitor must present a valid government-issued photo ID to security.
  • Overnight visitors are generally permitted during the academic year, with certain exceptions. Overnight visitors are not permitted during intersessions, the week of Fall & Spring orientations / before academic classes begin and the first week of classes each semester.​​​​​​​

The following sets forth the general guidelines governing use of YU’s Schottenstein Center (the Building) by the Shenk Synagogue (the Shul).  YU supports and provides services (e.g., security, housekeeping, utilities etc.) to the Shul, and recognizes the important mission of the Shul in providing for the spiritual needs of the YU community.  The Shul recognizes and appreciates YU’s support, and understands the need to follow these guidelines and timely request prior approval from YU for any deviation from them. 

  • The Shul is expected to comply with all security and other policies applicable to YU buildings, including COVID protocols and visitor/guest policies, unless otherwise instructed by YU.  The Shul acknowledges and confirms that YU is the sole owner of the Building, and the Shul does not have any ownership or other rights to the Building.
  • The Shul is only to be used for minyanim (and related simchas, e.g., bris and bar mitzva, and related kiddush/meal), and Torah classes and lectures.  Food catering is subject to YU policies.

  • The Shul may only use the designated spaces on the first floor and second floor balcony of the Building.  The other spaces in the Building, including the basement theater and upper floors, are off limits.

  • Requests to use the Shul for other purposes, or to use other spaces in the Building, are subject to YU prior approval and need to be requested and scheduled (at least 5 days in advance of the event) in 25LIVE with the YU Office of Events (  In addition, the Shul must timely inform (at least 5 days in advance of the event to the extent possible) of all events (other than the regular weekly minyan) being held in the Shul – including simchas (e.g., bris and bar mitzva, and related kiddush/meal), and Torah classes and lectures – as well as any changes in the regular weekly minyan schedule, in order to coordinate with Housekeeping, Security, plant operations and maintenance.

  • Access to the Shul will be granted to individuals with a current YU ID,  Alumni (or Alumni Spouse) ID or Minyan ID.  Minyan IDs can be obtained from YU Security via an application which will require a written “recommendation” from Rabbi Kalinsky, Rabbi Penner or Rabbi Kaminetzky.  (/safety-security/alumni-visitors and /safety-security/minyan-visitors)

  • Special permission to access the Shul for a minyan (and related simchas and kiddush/meal), or a Torah class or lecture may be granted by YU on a ONE-TIME basis to an outside guest; provided that the guest is accompanied by someone with a current YU ID, Alumni (or Alumni Spouse) ID or Minyan ID, and the guest presents a valid government-issued photo ID to the posted YU security guard (unless it is the Sabbath or Jewish Holiday).  To the extent possible, advance notice (preferably at least 5 days) should be provided to YU Security before an event which will include outside guests, including a list of expected guests.

  • No alcohol is permitted in the Shul or other spaces in the Building.

  • Any alterations to the Shul, or its furniture or fixtures, should be discussed with and approved by the YU Facilities Department in advance.

  • YU reserves the right to charge the Shul (or the host) for events as it may reasonably determine are appropriate.

  • YU will reasonably consider requests by the Shul to use other spaces on the YU campus.


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