Contact Us Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary Apply Now Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to hearing from you and to responding to your queries.Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary.Glueck Center for Jewish Study, Suite 632515 West 185 StreetNew ¶¶Òõapp, NY 10033646.592.4065riets@yu.eduRabbi Aryeh LebowitzRosh ¶¶Òõapp and Abraham Arbesfeld Torah Dean of RIETSEmail: aryeh.lebowitz@yu.eduRabbi Yosef KalinskyMax and Marion Grill Administrative Dean of RIETSEmail: kalinsky@yu.eduRabbi Menachem PennerDirector of Special Projects and Dean EmeritusEmail: penner@yu.eduAdina KirshnerAssistant to the DeanTelephone: 646.592.4061Email: adina.kirshner@yu.eduRabbi Yaakov TaubesAssistant Director, RIETS ProgrammingTelephone: 646.592.4066Email: Rabbi Ronald L. SchwarzbergDirector, The Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Dept. ofJewish Career Development and PlacementTelephone: 646-592-4351Email: rschwarz@yu.eduRabbi Dr. Jacob J. SchacterSenior ScholarEmail: jschacte@yu.eduRabbi Naphtali Lavenda, M.B.A.Director, Online Rabbinic Programming, RIETSEmail: lavenda@yu.eduRabbi Josh FlugDirector of Torah ResearchEmail: jflug@yu.eduRabbi Judah KerbelRIETS Development AssociateTelephone: 646 592 4074Email: Judah.kerbel@yu.eduRabbi Ezra SchwartzRosh ¶¶Òõapp & Assistant Director, Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik Semikhah ProgramTelephone: 646.592.4025Email: schwart5@yu.eduRabbi Larry RothwachsDirector of Professional RabbinicsTelephone: 646-592-4022Email: Rabbi Yehuda ChanalesDirector of Chinuch Track, Semikha ProgramEmail: yehuda.chanales@yu.eduRabbi Neal TurkMashgiach, Semikha ProgramTelephone: 646-592-4064Email: neal.turk@yu.eduRabbi Steven GotlibMarketing ManagerTelephone: 646-592-4075Email: Sharon Bar-DavidAdministrative Coordinator, RIETSTelephone: 646.592.4065Email: bardavid@yu.eduChaski NaorDirector, Business OperationsTelephone: 646.592.4062Email: chaski.naor@yu.eduBonnie LeffAdministrator, Rabbinic PlacementThe Morris and Gertrude Bienenfeld Dept. of Jewish Career Development and PlacementTelephone: 646.592.4352Email: bonnie.leff@yu.eduContact RIETS Rabbinic Alumni.