Middle States Self Study Guide Middle States Self Study Guide Self Study Design Self-Study Site Visit and Preparation Standards Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology What is the role of the Steering Committee? They will be in charge of managing strategies and processes related to building and retaining exceptional Working Group teams. They act as advisors and consultants—but as well identify potential problems and execute solutions. Members of the Steering Committee will work with the Co-Chairs to develop a well-defined Self-Study culture. Steering Committee Members What is the role of the Working Groups? Working Groups serve as one pillar in the foundation of a good Self-Study process. Working Groups are responsible for gathering evidence of current practices and framing how the final Self-Study document will ultimately be organized. The activity level of each Working Group is likely to vary over the course of the Self-Study process, but the majority of the work will be concentrated in spring 2023 Working Group Members (PDF)