Summer School YESHIVA COLLEGE/WILF CAMPUS ACADEMIC ADVISING More Information Contact Us Artificial Intelligence Biotechnology Computer Science Cybersecurity Data Analytics and Visualization Digital Marketing and Media Mathematics Occupational Therapy Physician Assistant Physics Speech-Language Pathology Taking Summer Courses Outside YU?Transferring credit from summer courses at another college? Right now our Registrar's Office is working remotely due to COVID-19, and as a result are not regularly getting mail, including mailed transcripts. If the university that the transcript is coming from offers official electronic transcripts, it would be best to have your official transcript sent electronically to From there they can add it to your student file, as well as forwarding it to the Assistant Registrar who reviews transcripts for transfer credit.Pre-Approved Course ListAcademic Advising is currently updating the pre-approved course listing. Additions will be posted as courses are reviewed and approved by the academic departments. Students interested in taking courses not on the list should submit a P-10 form for review.--You must be logged in to view this list. Click to sort by school or YC equivalent.Request for Outside Courses form Instructions for Requesting Approval of Outside Course Complete the Request for Outside Courses form, which can be obtained from Academic Advising or downloaded here.The form must be signed by an Academic Advisor before it is submitted to the Registrar's Office.If a course is not on the Pre-approved list, you may request consideration for approval by: Sending an e-mail to with the following information; name of the school, course title, course code, dates/length of the summer session, summer school course description, summer school course syllabi, if it is being taught online or in person, and its YC equivalent.You will be notified of the results by Academic Advising via e-mail.If approved, fill out a Request for Outside Courses form, attach the e-mailed approval, and bring both documents to an Academic Advisor for a signature.After the summer session is completed, you must request that an official transcript from the institution you attended be sent to Office of the Registrar, ¶¶Òõapp University, 500 West 185th Street, Furst Hall Room 114, New ¶¶Òõapp, NY 10033. Once we receive your transcript, the credits will be processed and will appear on you transcript. Please allow two to four weeks for processing. Online Course Policy The three undergraduate colleges recently adopted the following policy regarding online courses: SUMMER COURSES: Summer online YU courses will continue to be offered and accepted, while those offered by other institutions will be considered. As per the current practice, students will need to file the Request for Outside Courses Form to receive approval for outside online courses. Online courses from community colleges or for-profit institutions will not be accepted. Business courses must be from an AACSB accredited institution.CAP OF ONLINE COURSES TOWARDS THE BACHELOR'S DEGREE: Students may count a maximum of 4 online courses toward their undergraduate degrees. A maximum of two online courses may be applied toward the major and a maximum of two online courses may apply toward the general education requirements.RESIDENCY REQUIREMENT: All online YU courses, including those offered by YU graduate schools, will count toward the YU residency requirement. Basic Guidelines As You Consider Summer School Classes Outside of YU No approval will be granted for courses taken at any community college.Online classes are governed by rules for ¶¶Òõapp College and Syms. Please have ALL ONLINE CLASS requests approved with particular care in all instances.To receive credit, you must complete approved courses with a grade of "C" or better.For pre-health students, all grades earned in summer school, including grades below a "C" that will not transfer to your YU transcript, will be counted in your application average.No required courses in the Core or the major may be taken Pass/Fail.A summer course must last for at least four complete calendar weeks.