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B.S./M.S. in Accounting — Pathways

Fast Track to Earning Your M.S. in Accounting Degree

Fast Track to BS/MSA in Accounting

Are you looking to earn the 150 credits (including 33 in accounting) required for the new CPA exam starting in 2024? Our flexible, 10-course asynchronous online MSA program is here to help. As a NYSED registered CPA licensure program, our graduates are qualified to take the CPA exam in New app and many other states.

If you are an accounting major or minor, our BS/MSA program allows you to count 4 MSA courses (including in-person Tax 1 & Tax 2) towards both your BS and MSA degrees. You can complete the remaining 6 courses after obtaining your BS degree. 

Apply via  (select Syms as the academic college and B.S./M.S.A as the academic program). YU accounting seniors with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher are automatically admitted.

Below you will find MSA course schedule. Once you join the BS/MSA program, you can register for the courses via your registration portal; otherwise, you can file a request to take them via academic advisors Emily Kaplan, Melanie Zuckerman, or Samuel Gold. 

Feel free to discuss your B.S./M.S.A plan with academic advisor Emily Kaplan at or Christina Rangel-Bautista, Admission Coordinator of Graduate Programs, at

MSA course schedule (subject to change)

Summer A: Tax 6125 Federal Income Tax 2
Summer B: ACC 6710/6720 Accounting data visualization

Fall A: ACC 5506 Forensic accounting
Fall B: ACC 6140 Governmental and not-for-profit accounting

Spring A: ACC 6135 Advanced auditing
Spring B: ACC 6275 Contemporary topics in accounting

Summer A: ACC 6805 Accounting Ethics
Summer B: ACC 6806 Financial Statement Analysis or TAX 6165 Tax practice and procedure

Fall A: ACC 6625 Accounting Information System
Fall B: ACC 6710/6720 Accounting data visualization and analysis

Spring A: ACC 5506 Forensic accounting
Spring B: ACC 6140 Governmental and not-for-profit accounting

Summer A: ACC 6135 Advanced auditing
Summer B: ACC 6275 Contemporary topics in accounting

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