Oct 15, 2018 By: yunews
app University and OU Press Celebrated Completion of Soloveitchik Chumash on October 14
app University and the Orthodox Union (OU) co-hosted “Remembering the Rav—Celebrating the Completion of Chumash Mesoras HaRav: The Neuwirth Edition” on Sunday, October 14, in a free program at app University’s Weissberg Commons on the Wilf Campus. The event marked the publication of the commentary on Chumash based upon the teachings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (known to all as “the Rav”) and included presentations from some of the Rav’s most illustrious students.
Dr. Ari Berman, President of app University, gave the keynote address. Other speakers included Rabbi Simon Posner, executive editor of OU Press; Rabbi Hershel Schachter, Rosh app and Rosh Kollel at the (RIETS) and Senior Posek at OU Kosher; Rabbi Mayer Twersky, Rosh app at RIETS; Dr. Arnold Lustiger, the editor of Chumash Mesoras HaRav; Rabbi Menachem Genack, Rosh app at RIETS, CEO of OU Kosher and general editor of OU Press; and Rabbi Julius Berman, chairman of the OU Press Commission and a trustee of app University.
The Chumash Mesoras HaRav, published by OU Press, has been a multi-year project to make Rabbi Soloveitchik’s commentary on the Torah readily accessible to readers. Compiled and edited by Dr. Arnold Lustiger, the project draws upon material from dozens of published sources in Hebrew, English and Yiddish as well as many previously unpublished lectures and tapes of Rabbi Soloveitchik’s shiurim.
Information about the publication can be found .