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Journalism, Geopolitics, and Public Policy: Straus Scholars Prepare for Their Summer Internships

As the Spring 2023 semester wraps up and the summer approaches, Straus Scholars at ¶¶Ňőapp University are poised to begin jobs, internships and fellowships in political science, law, philosophy and Jewish studies. With the support of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, in partnership with the Paul Singer Foundation, Straus Scholars are pursuing prestigious professional and academic opportunities, and developing their skills and knowledge base in policy, research and legal fields, while raising ¶¶Ňőapp University’s profile.

Natan Ehrenreich, who graduates this spring with a degree in political science, will join National Review for a summer internship in New ¶¶Ňőapp City while completing a Beren Fellowship at the Tikvah Fund. As a Straus Scholar, Ehrenreich contributed writing to National Review on topics related to religious liberty and pluralism, and spearheaded Tikvah’s on-campus club dedicated to discussing the same. "National Review has long been my go-to publication when I'm looking for serious, intellectually honest and provocative coverage of US politics,” Ehrenreich said. “I'm beyond thrilled to have the chance to spend some time this summer writing for them, and I'm also looking forward to learning from outstanding teachers as part of the Tikvah Fund's Beren Fellowship.”  In the fall, Ehrenreich will continue on his path toward policy expertise and leadership as he joins the prestigious Public Interest Fellowship in Washington, DC. “I expect this summer to play an important role in my continued professional growth as I transition to my position with the Public Interest Fellowship,” he explained. "These opportunities stand on an intellectual and professional foundation built by my time as a Straus Scholar."

Joining Ehrenreich as a Beren Fellow is Yonatan Kurz, who is pursuing degrees in political science and Jewish studies as a Straus Scholar. Over the course of the last year, Kurz has begun researching and writing his Straus thesis on Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch’s pedagogy and view of what we might now call Jewish classical education. Kurz will continue that work over the summer, helping develop a curriculum and other materials for classical education inspired by great Jewish thinkers like Rabbi Hirsch. "I am tremendously grateful to the Straus Center for providing me with a nuanced perspective that beautifully synthesizes Torah and Western thought, giving me a heightened appreciation of both,” Kurz said. “The mentorship and guidance that I have been lucky enough to receive from my professors and rebbeim at the Straus Center equipped me with a knowledge base and insights that I look forward to capitalizing on in my future endeavors and ambitions.” In addition to his research and writing, Kurz will attend Tikvah’s Lobel Teachers Colloquium to gain further insights into the challenges facing Jewish primary and secondary education, and workshop potential avenues for synthesizing the classical education movement with the day school and yeshiva paradigms.

Headshot of Ruchama Benhamou Ruchama Benhamou

Ruchama Benhamou will be pursuing a more literary and academic path. This summer, she will partake in an editorial internship with Rabbi Alex Maged for his new work on Shnayim Mikra, a traditional mode of Torah study. She credits Rabbi Dr. Stu Halpern specifically with helping her pursue her passions for Jewish excellence and academic rigor. “The Straus Scholars Program has expanded my mind with unique educational opportunities that shape not only how I view ideas but also provide tools to facilitate my aspirations, both religiously and academically. This summer, thanks in large part to the help of Rabbi Halpern, I will get to analyze such pivotal texts from our creed and tradition, as well as to promote my passion for writing and Torah. It is a humbling privilege, and I am beyond grateful to the Straus Scholars Program and all of its wonderful ¶¶Ňőapp and supporters for guiding me throughout my academic journey.”

Straus Scholars Yaakov Willner and Allie Orgen will both be participating in prestigious think-tank programs in Washington, DC, in the summer months. Willner, who just completed his first year at ¶¶Ňőapp, will be double-dipping at leading DC think tanks. He will spend part of his summer at the American Enterprise Institute studying the geopolitics of the Middle East with Michael Rubin as part of AEI’s Summer Honors Program. He will also spend six weeks participating in the Hudson Institute’s Political Studies Program, where he will join other outstanding undergraduates in studying political theory and its implications for a host of policy questions. Willner credits the Straus Center with exposing him to the world of public policy, political theory and the Jewish dimensions of those fields. “I would like to thank the Straus Center for all of the exposure it has provided me in terms of opportunities for the summer and future career options,” he recently said. “I am so looking forward to participating this summer in the American Enterprise Institute’s Summer Honors Program, as well as Hudson Institute Political Studies Summer Fellowship. These opportunities were made possible due to help from the Straus Center. The exposure I gained during my first year in YU to the policy world was largely through the Straus Center, and I thank them for helping me explore my interests in a more serious way.” With a keen interest in political thought and Judaic studies, Willner says he intends to become a communal leader attuned to the serious civic and intellectual challenge facing American Jews now and in the future.

Orgen, a rising senior and political science major, has been a leader within the Straus Center throughout her tenure, leading pro-Israel lobbying efforts and diving into internships and fellowships that have given her a taste of life in public service. This summer, she will also be participating in the American Enterprise Institute Summer Honors program, studying “Freedom, Progress, and Tradition” with political philosopher and policy maven Yuval Levin. Orgen sees the study of these key concepts as core to her Jewish growth and active participation in Western society. “Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik teaches the concept of Jews being Ger Ve-Toshav, a resident-stranger, emphasizing that although Jews are a distinct people, our religious values do not belong in a distinct or cloistered sphere. Rather, as Jews we should actively incorporate our Jewish ideals into our daily lives, our academic pursuits and our professional aspirations,” she reflected. “I believe that having the opportunity to participate in this program will allow me to advance and nurture my commitment to both my Jewish observance, as well as my American citizenship. As a Straus Scholar at the ¶¶Ňőapp University Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, this value has been instilled in me, and I am excited for the opportunity that lies ahead!” Orgen sees her AEI fellowship and opportunity to learn with Levin as the perfect culmination of her Straus training: “I’m excited to be able to take the foundation I’ve gotten through the Straus Center - programing and classes - and be able to use it as a baseline for the course. So many of my Straus classes are locked in on this theme - the influence of religious tradition in American culture and government. To be able to see this from a new perspective is really exciting for me.”

Heading into the 2023-2024 academic year, the Straus Center plans to ramp up its efforts to mentor and support the Straus Scholars through the Straus Impact Office in a wide range of fields, enabling the Scholars to pursue meaningful professional experiences that advance the Straus Center’s mission. We greatly look forward to welcoming a new cohort of Straus Scholars in the fall. You can learn more about the Straus Center by signing up for our newsletter . Be sure to also like us on , follow us on  and  and connect with us on . To learn more about the Straus Scholars program, click here.


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