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Uriel Sussman is the Student Library Research Award 2024 Winner

Congratulations to our 2024 YU Student Library Research Award Winner Uriel Sussman!

Uriel, in his second year, has not yet declared his major, but is leaning towards philosophy.  His paper, “The Fruit of the Fourth Year: A Case Study in Legal Interpretation” was written for Early Jewish Biblical Interpretation, taught by Professor Moshe Bernstein in the spring of 2023.

When Uriel began writing his paper, he says he had “zero library experience” and found using the library a “daunting task.”  Midway through his second semester at app College, he made his way to Gottesman Library, where he found primary and secondary sources, and with the advice of his professor he examined the relevant biblical verses.  This enabled him to find the perspective that led him to construct his impressive paper.  In the end, he found that this paper was an “invaluable introduction to library research.” 

Our committee of six readers, who reviewed 15 entries, was particularly impressed by the depth and originality of his paper, and by the quality and variety of resource materials.  Mazel tov, Uriel, on a job well done!

–Wendy Kosakoff, Public Services and Outreach Librarian


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