Jul 26, 2023 By: yunews
Commencement season always brings a multitude of awards for academic achievement at app University. Below are the award recipients for Stern College for Women, app College and the Undergraduate Torah Studies Programs.
The American Institute of Chemists award for excellence in Biochemistry - Elisheva Miller
Miriam Araten Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Noa Berkowitz
Miriam Araten Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Tehila Kornwasser
Miriam Araten Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Rivka Moskowitz
Miriam Araten Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Rebecca Quintas
Miriam Araten Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Dahlia Schwartz
Miriam Araten Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Shira Sedek
Biology Department Award for Excellence in Biology - Kimberly Weschler
The Lea and Alfons Blau Award in Life Sciences for excellence in Biology - Tehilla Rothbort
The Lea and Alfons Blau Award in Life Sciences for excellence in Chemistry - Gabrielle Kupferman
The Lea and Alfons Blau Award for a Student Pursuing Graduate Research - Eliana Lebowitz
The Lea and Alfons Blau Award for Creativity in Chemistry and its Contributions to Society -
Rachel Kaplan
Professor Daniel Block Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics - Esther Abraham
Jacob Bluttal Award for Excellence in Psychology - Sharon Khalil
Sol Broder Memorial Award for excellence and service in computer science - Dahlia Schwartz
Sol Broder Memorial Award for excellence and service in computer science - Penina Waghalter
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for research in Biochemistry - Emmanuella Borukh
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for research in Biochemistry - Rachel Kaplan
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for research in Biochemistry - Leora Kronenberg
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for research in Biochemistry - Liora Rahmani
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for research in Biology - Sara Chemel
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for research in Biology - Shaina Matveev
Computer Science Department Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Alexandra Roffe
English Department Award for Creative Writing - Rebecca Guzman
English Department Award for Creative Writing - Marcela Homsany
Aliza Chaya Esral Memorial Award for Excellence in Studio Art - Julia Polster
Mr. & Mrs. H.I. Feldman Award for excellence in Biology - Ilana Rouhani
Bryna Miller Fertig Memorial Award for volunteer work with cancer patients - Rachel Piontnica
Malka Fishhaut Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Noa Berkowitz
Abe Fleishaker Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish History - Sara Chemel
Abe Fleishaker Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish History - Leah Fenster
Esther Fleishaker Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Esther Abraham
Esther Fleishaker Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Sara Weiss
Sol and Sarah Friedland Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Illana Ahdout
Herman Gerofsky Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish History - Penina Waghalter
Benjamin and Jennie Hammer Memorial Award for Excellence in Political Science - Noa Berkowitz
Benjamin and Jennie Hammer Memorial Award for Excellence in Political Science - Olivia Schwartz
Sara T. Herschfus Memorial Award for Excellence in English - Julia Polster
Ida Lamport Hurewitz Memorial Award for Excellence in Physics - Tamar Leiser
Ida Lamport Hurewitz Memorial Award for Excellence in Physics - Naava Wasserman
Ida Lamport Hurewitz Memorial Award for Excellence in Psychology - Shoshana Linfield
Ida Lamport Hurewitz Memorial Award for Excellence in Psychology - Avital Miller
Prof. Moses L. Isaacs Memorial Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Rebecca Aduculesi
Prof. Moses L. Isaacs Memorial Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Sara Chemel
Women’s Branch of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Meira Book
Morris and Esther Kermaier Memorial Award for a student pursuing the field of Jewish Studies - Elizabeth Nasar
Moses Langer Memorial Award for Excellence in Sociology - Raquel Leifer
Langfan Family Constitutional Oratorical Prize - SCW First Place - Elana Adler
Langfan Family Constitutional Oratorical Prize - SCW Second Place - Naomi Rose
Langfan Family Constitutional Oratorical Prize - SCW Honorable Mention - Hannah Shulman
Jacob and Katie Lashin Memorial Award for Creativity in the Biological Sciences - Naomi Fried
Rabbi Chaim Levine Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Sheerah Axelrod
Rabbi Chaim Levine Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Eliana Lebowitz
Rabbi Chaim Levine Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Elisheva Miller
Rabbi Chaim Levine Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Tziporah Zwickler
Morris Lipton Memorial Award for Excellence in Philosophy - Penina Spearman
The Macmillan Publishing Book Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Esther Miller
Award for Torah and Spiritual Growth for a Mechina student - Maytal Rahimzada
Award for Torah and Spiritual Growth for a Mechina student - Leah Schewitz
Award for Torah and Spiritual Growth for a Mechina student - Rachel Sherin
The Dean David and Sarrah Mirsky Memorial Award for Excellence in English - Illana Ahdout
The Dean David and Sarrah Mirsky Memorial Award for Excellence in English - Malka Gorbunov
The Dean David and Sarrah Mirsky Memorial Award for the Best Short Critical Essay - Yael Louk
The Dean David and Sarrah Mirsky Memorial Award for Excellence in Philosophy - Avigayil Halpert
The Dean David and Sarrah Mirsky Memorial Award for Poetry - Malka Gorbunov
Music Department Award for Excellence in Music - Yaelle Akhavan
Marcia Pearlstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Hebraic Studies - Sophie Frankenthal
Professor Nathaniel L. Remes Memorial Award for character, personality and service to Stern College for Women - Yona Berzon
Professor Nathaniel L. Remes Memorial Award for character, personality and service to Stern College for Women - Ilana Rouhani
Joseph Rosenberg Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies and Ethics - Elisheva Hirsch
Joseph Rosenberg Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies and Ethics - Penina Spearman
The Edward A. Rothman Memorial Award for the best paper on Issues in Judaism in Practice -
Yita Khanin
The Edward A. Rothman Memorial Award for the best paper on Issues in Judaism in Practice - Leeby Levine
The Fannie and Asher Scharfstein Memorial Award for the Best Paper on Gemilat Chessed -
Rochel Leah Itzkowitz
Constance Schwartzappel Memorial Award for Excellence in Political Science - Aliza Weiss
Gilda R. S. Silverman Memorial Award for Excellence in Early Childhood Education - Leah Fenster
Gilda R. S. Silverman Memorial Award for Excellence in Childhood Education - Mia Rosenblum
Gilda R. S. Silverman Memorial Award for Excellence in Speech Pathology and Audiology - Deborah Levie
Phyllis Gordon Solomon Memorial Award for Excellence in Pre-law Studies - Loren Elmann
The Esther Zuroff Alumnae Award for Service to the College and Academic Achievement -
Elisheva Hirsch
The Esther Zuroff Alumnae Award for Service to the College and Academic Achievement -
Shira Sedek
Office of Student Life Student Leadership Award (TAC President) - Hannah Adler
Office of Student Life Student Leadership Award (SCWSC President) - Meital Lindenberg
Office of Student Life Student Leadership Award (SYMSSC President) - Yael Levy
Torat Adam Award for Excellence in Middot - Esther Ackerman
Torat Adam Award for Excellence in Middot - Ayelet Brown
Torat Chaim Award for Bringing Our Values to Life - Vered Kaplan
Torat Chaim Award for Bringing Our Values to Life - Chaya Ross
Torat Chessed Award for Excellence in Chessed - Kayla Miller
Torat Chessed Award for Excellence in Chessed - Fruma Sarah Silver
Torat Emet Award for Excellence in Torah and Embracing General Knowledge - Tova Boshnack
Torat Emet Award for Excellence in Torah and Embracing General Knowledge - Risa Harris
Torat Tzion Award for Commitment to Israel - Elisheva Adouth
Valedictorian General Studies - Elisheva Hirsch
Valedictorian Rebecca Ivry Department of Jewish Studies - Tehila Kornwasser
Lisa Wachtenheim Memorial Award for Service - Meital Lindenberg
Susan R. Nobel Wertentheil Memorial Award to a Prospective Law Student and for Excellence in Political Science - Raquel Leifer
Susan R. Nobel Wertentheil Memorial Award to a Prospective Law Student and for Excellence in Political Science - Olivia Schwartz
Monis and Chaya Zuckerman Memorial Award for best research paper in Jewish History -
Mijal Gutierrez
Monis and Chaya Zuckerman Memorial Award for best research paper in Jewish History -
Limor Kohanim
Stern College for Women Faculty Awards
Lillian F. and William L. Silber Professor of the Year - Jeffrey Mollin
Senior Class Professor - Jewish Studies - Nechama Price
Senior Class Professor - General Studies - Alyssa Schuck
Dean Karen Bacon Faculty Award - Shaina Trapedo
Dean Karen Bacon Faculty Award - Lawrence Teitelman
The Mirsky Departmental Award in the Humanities - Jonah James
Fanny and Asher Scharfstein Award for Best Essay on Gemilut Chesed (English) - Baruch Berger
Professor Meyer Atlas Memorial Award for Excellence in Biology - Aaron Rosenthal
Professor Meyer Atlas Memorial Award for Excellence in Biology - Omar Lam Birman
Professor Meyer Atlas Memorial Award for Excellence in Biology - Noam Putterman
Dean Isaac Bacon Award for Excellence in the Humanities and Jewish Studies -
Abraham Harcsztark
Dean Isaac Bacon Award for Excellence in the Humanities and Jewish Studies - Alexander Benoliel
The Belkin Judaic Studies Award - Chaim Book
Stanley Broff Memorial Award for Excellence in Economics and Commitment Toward Graduate Study - Ethan Abizadeh
Stanley Broff Memorial Award for Excellence in Economics and Commitment Toward Graduate Study - Joseph Rybak
Professor Michael Bernstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Biblical Studies - Yonah Moise
Professor Michael Bernstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Biblical Studies - Jonah Rocheeld
Malka Fishhaut Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Marshall Northman
Malka Fishhaut Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies - Elad Jeselsohn
George and Bertha Fisch Award for Excellence in the Study of Philosophy - Alexander Benoliel
Bernhard Floch Award for the Study of Philosophy - David Roth
Professor Jekuthiel Ginsburg Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Computers - Aaron Meoded
Professor Jekuthiel Ginsburg Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Computers - Nissim Cantor
Professor Jekuthiel Ginsburg Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Computers - Raziel Siegman
Steven Gladstein Memorial Award for Service to the Jewish People - Jonathan Safier
Steven Gladstein Memorial Award for Service to the Jewish People - Joseph Dietz
Chaplain Joseph Hoenig Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology -
Samuel Friedman
Chaplain Joseph Hoenig Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology - Ari Englander
Masmid Award for Outstanding Service to the app College Student Body - Abraham Harcsztark
Benjamin and Bertha Lebzelter Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible - Aaron Rosenthal
Phillip Lieberman Memorial Award for Outstanding Character and Service to app College - Yonatan Kurz
Phillip Lieberman Memorial Award for Outstanding Character and Service to app College - Aaron Rosenthal
Professor Arnold and Bertha Lowan Memorial Award for Excellence in Physics Research -
Yonathan Magendzo
Sidney P. Rosenblum Award for Excellence in the Study of Jewish History - Yonatan Kurz
Sidney P. Rosenblum Award for Excellence in the Study of Jewish History - Daniel Osen
Edward A. Rothman Memorial Award for Best Essay on Orthodox Judaism - Abraham Harcsztark
Dean Samuel L. Sar Memorial Award for Excellence in Bible Studies - Chaim Book
David and Rebecca Wolstein Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology -
Caleb Aronoff
David and Rebecca Wolstein Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Psychology -
Yonatan Kurz
Jeffrey Seelenfreund Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies and Character -
Yonatan Kurz
Jeffrey Seelenfreund Memorial Award for Excellence in Jewish Studies and Character -
Abraham Harcsztark
app University Women's Organization Award for Excellence in English Studies - Leo Newmark
Professor Morris Silverman Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to app College -
Dov Schulman
Professor Morris Silverman Memorial Award for Outstanding Service to app College -
Jacob Tollinsky
Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - Abraham Bodzin
Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - Yonathan Magendzo
Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - David Roth
Dr. Samuel Soloveichik Prize for Excellence in the Study of Natural Sciences - Aaron Rosenthal
Joan G. Haahr Excellence in Early English Literature - Matthew Shields
Dr. Ron and Cheryl Nagel Award for Excellence in Pre-Medical Studies - Joshua Berger
Elliot Steinberger Memorial Award for Excellence in the Study of Torah and Sciences -
Abraham Bodzin
Joseph Gunner Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics - Moise Yonah
Joseph Gunner Memorial Award for Excellence in Mathematics - David Roth
Samuel and Emily Granet Lemler Memorial Award for Excellence in Pre-Medical Studies -
Jonah Tripp
Samuel and Emily Granet Lemler Memorial Award for Excellence in Pre-Medical Studies -
Abraham Bodzin
Samuel and Emily Granet Lemler Memorial Award for Excellence in Pre-Medical Studies -
Ethan Moran
Ya'akov Yehuda Nirenstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Hebrew Language - Akiva Levy
Ya'akov Yehuda Nirenstein Memorial Award for Excellence in Hebrew Language - Michael Edelman
Gertrude Nissenbaum Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Charles Vadnai
Gertrude Nissenbaum Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science - David Gelbtuch
Gertrude Nissenbaum Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Eitan Jeselsohn
Gertrude Nissenbaum Memorial Award for Excellence in Computer Science - Mark Adelman
Samuel and Jennie Raucher Memorial Award for a Worthy Student at app College -
Dovid Morris
Samuel and Jennie Raucher Memorial Award for a Worthy Student at app College -
Brian Bendel
app University Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Service to app College -
David Lifschitz
app University Alumni Association Award for Outstanding Service to app College -
Ethan Maron
Departmental Award for Excellence in Sociology - Avraham Walkenfeld
Departmental Award for Excellence in Musical Study - Joshua Berger
Departmental Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Baruch Lerman
Departmental Award for Excellence in Physics - David Roth
Departmental Award for Excellence in Economics - Jonathan Mayer
Departmental Award for Excellence in History - Jacob Karp
Departmental Award for Excellence in History - Chaim Book
Professor Aaron Margalith Memorial Award for Excellence in Political Science - Natan Ehrenreich
Dr. Ruth A. Bevan Award for Excellence in the Study of Political Science - Yonatan Kurz
Dr. Ruth A. Bevan Award for Excellence in the Study of Political Science - Reubern Hartman
Rabbi Chaim Danishefsky Z”L Award for a Graduating Student from app College for Distinguished Achievement in Chemistry - Aaron Rosenthal
Rabbi Chaim Danishefsky Z”L Award for a Graduating Student from app College for Distinguished Achievement in Chemistry - Max Grunstein
Daniel Ladell Memorial Award for Excellence in Chemistry - Elazar Mermelstein
Irving Linn Memorial Award for Excellence in English Studies - Joseph Leventer
Biblical Joseph Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Study of Economics - Julian Kofman
Biblical Joseph Prize for Outstanding Achievement in the Study of Economics - Ethan Dalva
Professor Thomas Howard Otway Memorial Award - Samuel Kaplan
The David Fleisher Memorial Award - Akiva Finkelstein
The David Fleisher Memorial Award - Rafael Saperstein
The Jerome Robbins Memorial Award in Creative Writing—Short Story - Ilan Bocian
The Jerome Robbins Memorial Award in Creative Writing—Poetry - David Roth
The Jerome Robbins Memorial Award in Creative Writing—Nonfiction - Nadav Heller
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for Research in Biology - Isaac Silverman
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for Research in Biology - Aaron Shaykevich
Dr. Sorrell Chesin Research Prize in Life Sciences for Research in Biochemistry - Moshe Carroll
app College 2023 Valedictorian - Jonah Tripp
app College Faculty Awards
Lillian F. and William L. Silber Professor of the Year Award - Wenxiong Chen
Adjunct Instructor of the Year Award - Dov Lerner
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Rafael Abecassis
The Rose, Rachel, and Lewis Siegel Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Joshua Appel
Torat Chessed Award/Commitment to Chessed/Stone Beit Midrash Program – Jeremy Ascher
Meyer A. Shatz Memorial Award/Excellence in Bible/Mazer app Program – Alexander Benoliel
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Don Berlinger
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Avi Bodzin
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program
Chaim Book
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Jonah Braverman
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Benjamin Brener
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Nissim Cantor
The Rose, Rachel, and Lewis Siegel Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Yair Caplan
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Arieh Chaikin
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Adam Childs
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program – Benjamin Ciment
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program -
Jaime Cohen
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program -
Samuel Cohen
The Louis and Lena Lankisky Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Jordan Cohen
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Elie Dahan
Professor Solomon Wind Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Nicolas Dlugach
Prof. Pinchas Wollman-Tsamir Award/Excellence in Hebrew Studies/Isaac Breuer College -
Isaac Dobin
Valedictorian - Isaac Breuer College – Natan Ehrenreich
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/Isaac Breuer College - Natan Ehrenreich
Rosalie & Jacob Singer Memorial Award/Excellence in Bible/Isaac Breuer College -
Natan Ehrenreich
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Avi Eisenstadter
Dean Rabbi Dr. Michael Shmidman Award /Academic Excellence and Outstanding Character/Stone Beit Midrash Program – Ezra Emerson
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Avigdor Felder
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School - Elie Azriel Frewa
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Edan Friedman
The Frank Shavitz Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program -
Jacob Avraham Galante
Meyer A. Shatz Memorial Award/Excellence in Bible/Mazer app Program – David Gelbtuch
Benjamin Hurwitz Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Mordechai Glatter
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program – Daniel Goldstein
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Avi Greenberg
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program – Yosef Gucovschi
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Gidon Hagler
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Aryeh Hagler
Isaac Araten Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Isaac Breuer College -
Zachary Hamburger
Benjamin Hurwitz Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Abraham David Harcsztark
Daniel Block - Milton Cooper Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Isaac Breuer College – Mordechai Itzkowitz
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program- Binyamin Jachter
The Joseph and Lena Hoenig Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Elad Jeselsohn
Valedictorian - Mazer app Program – Elad Jeselsohn
The Frank Shavitz Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Isaac Breuer College – Joseph Jonas
Torat Tzion Award Commitment to Israel/Undergraduate Torah Studies – Joseph Jonas
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Shmuel Kaplan
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies - Mazer app Program – Jacob Karp
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Ariel Kashizadeh
Professor Solomon Wind Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Brandon Khankhanian
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program -
Eitan Kiaei
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program -Jonathan Kirsch
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Yisrael Klavan
Valedictorian - Stone Beit Midrash Program - Jeremy Klein
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Jeremy Klein
The Frank Shavitz Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Yitzy Kopstick
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Yoni Kosowsky
Professor Solomon Wind Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Kevin Kozba
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Netanel Kramer
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Rafi Kreitman
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program - Matan Kronfeld
Dr. Isidor Margolis Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Isaac Breuer College –
Shalom Lefkowitz
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Joseph Leventer
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
David Lifschitz
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program -
Shlomo Litwin
The Louis and Lena Lankisky Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –&Բ; Menachem Lobell
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Aryeh Eitan Margolin
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Ethan Maron
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Dan Marouani
The Frank Shavitz Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Ron Mashmoor
The Rabbi Solomon Polachek Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Elazar Mermelstein
Torat Emet Award/Excellence in Torah /Mazer app Program – Elazar Mermelstein
Torat Adam Award/Excellence in Middot/Mazer app Program - Benjamin Meth
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Benny Miller
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/Isaac Breuer College – Joseph Minkove
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Joseph Mogilner
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Yonah Moise
President Bernard Revel Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Simon Morgenstern
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Tani Motechin
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Yonatan Olshin
Rosalie & Jacob Singer Memorial Award/Excellence in Bible/Isaac Breuer College - Micah Pava
The Rabbi Oscar and Shirley Fleishaker Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Noah Pomerance
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Noam Putterman
Dean Rabbi Dr. Michael Shmidman Award/Academic Excellence and Outstanding Character/Isaac Breuer College - Yehuda Raubvogel
Rosalie & Jacob Singer Memorial Award/Excellence in Bible/Isaac Breuer College
Yehuda Raubvogel
Valedictorian - James Striar School – Jess Rom
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Jess Rom
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Ari Rosenthal
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Ezra Rotblat
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Noah Rotenberg
The Meyer and Bella Rhine Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
David Roth
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program – Chezky Rothman
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program Elie Roz
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program – Joseph Rybak
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Judah Samuel
The Max and Sophie Manicoff Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Stone Beit Midrash Program
Doni Sausen
Isaac Araten Memorial Award Excellence in Jewish Studies/Isaac Breuer College - Noah Schiff
The Louis and Lena Lankisky Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Raziel Siegman
Sigebert, Manfred, & Mignon Fischel Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Nathaniel Silverman
The Yechezkel and Channah Liepziger Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Etan Soclof
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial AwardExcellence in Jewish Studies/Stone Beit Midrash Program – Eliyahu Solomon
Dr. Hyman B. Grinstein Memorial Award/Service and Dedication/Isaac Breuer College
Michael Stark
Benjamin Hurwitz Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program – Jonah Tripp
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Shai Vadnai
The Frank Shavitz Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program –
Ephraim Wiesenberg
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Benjamin Wilbur
The Louis and Lena Lankisky Memorial Award/Excellence in Talmud/Mazer app Program
Ezra Wildes
Altshul, Perlstein Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies/Mazer app Program –
Daniel Zolty
Professor Solomon Wind Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies & Character/James Striar School – Matan Zucker
Torat Chaim Award/Bringing our Values to Life/James Striar School – Matan Zucker
Dean Pinkhos Churgin Memorial Award/Excellence in Jewish Studies - Mazer app Program – Yochanan Zupnik