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Library Book Talk: Mitchell First on Aleinu, a Rosh Hashanah Prayer that Migrated

On Tuesday, September 13 at 8:00 PM (EDT) via Zoom, Mitchell First will discuss the prayer "Aleinu" with a focus on two passages and the role of the prayer in the larger context of the liturgy:
  • Who authored the "Aleinu" prayer?
  • Was its origin the Rosh Hashanah service?
  • When and why did "Aleinu" become part of the daily liturgy?
Words for the Wise contains sixty-two short articles on Hebrew, holidays, history and liturgy. On liturgy, 8 articles, include the origin of and insights into Shalom Aleikhem, Anim Zemirot, and Maoz Tzur. On holidays, 9 articles include the origin of the recital of Le-David Hashem Ori, the underlying meanings of the words lulav, atzeret, and Pesaḥ, and the background to the Fast of Gedaliah. And on history, 18 articles include a history of the city of Acco, the lives of Rashbam, Judah Touro, Golda Meir, and Yigael Yadin, as well as of an important manuscript of Rambam’s Mishneh Torah. On Hebrew, 27 articles offer insights into the roots ישן ,חול ,זמר ,זהר and רגע, the etymology of the word ממזר, the meaning of כתונת פסים, and interesting words in Hallel. --Kodesh Press Mitchell First earned a Master of Arts degree from the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies and writes a column for The Jewish Link. This is his fifth book. Date: Tuesday, September 13, 2022 Time: 8:00-9:00 PM (EDT) Online: Event URL will be sent via registration email. Registration is required.  


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